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Budget Recipes

Channel your inner Martin Lewis with our collection of simple budget recipes designed to make your dinner more enjoyable for the whole family. How do you cook on a tight budget? First things first, you have a look through this collection and pick a recipe that takes to your liking. You can discover the best budget recipes and a range of cheap meals that won’t break the bank. These healthy budget recipes and cheap recipe ideas will ensure you eat better for less, making them the perfect solution for savvy and delicious budget-friendly cooking. We've got an extremely cheap kidney bean curry recipe that punches well above its weight in the flavour department and a load of budget meals for two for your next date night. How do you feed four adults on a budget? Simple. You cook those same recipes for two but double the portion size. Cheap eats? We've got them. And we've got a strong feeling you're really going to love our three-quid spaghetti...