Brad Leone wants you to go outside. Not right at this moment. But, like, generally. He also wants you to know that you’re a better cook than you think you are. Which is nice, isn’t it? I’m passing on these messages because I was lucky enough to interview Brad the other week and got to catch up with the New Jersey native about all things food, drink, and cooking with fire.
For those of you who didn’t spend their lockdowns watching Bon Appétit YouTube videos on repeat: Brad is a cook, bestselling author, and internet personality. He’s one of the many Bon Appétit alumni who has managed to build a successful solo career for himself, embracing his outdoors persona through cookbooks like Field Notes for Food Adventure and popular YouTube series such as ‘Makin’ It’ and ‘Local Legends’.
Some internet chefs are intent on getting you to buy and eat a worrying amount of butter. Brad, on the other hand, is dead set on showing you how to be a little more yourself in the kitchen while also teaching you a little bit more about the world around you. He wants you to think about where your produce is actually coming from and pay your respects to the people growing it.
Whether he’s speaking to chefs looking to improve food service in the American school system, finding out how cast iron actually works, or showing you how to construct the perfect pork roll, Brad does what he does best with a clear understanding and passion for people. He’s been described as having “Golden Retriever energy” but I think that even cat people will be won over by his friendly patter. Here’s what happened when Mob met Brad Leone: