Batch Recipe: Spiced Green Coconut Chickpeas

35 mins cook
A gorgeous, green batch cook recipe that you can eat as it is or turn into a range of delicious dishes. Chickpeas have never tasted this good.
Spiced Green Coconut Chickpeas
Frozen Spinach
Coconut Milk
Green Chillies
Garlic Cloves
Fresh Ginger
Cumin Seeds
Garam Masala
Tomato Purée
Drained Cooked Chickpeas

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    Cliona O.
    a month ago
    Really lacking in flavour, incredibly bland. I had to do a whole emergency flavour injection, added a ton of extra spices, acid, miso etc etc. There's got to be a better spinach/chickpea recipe out there.
    Susanne R.
    3 months ago
    Really liked this one. I added a teaspoon of white miso paste after reading Gabby's comment below. Definitely one for the freezer/work lunchbox.
    Christy V.
    5 months ago
    I half the amount of chickpeas, add lima beans and lentils and serve it with pearl couscous. I eat this at least twice a week after a workout! I always make a big batch and keep it in my freezer. This is one of my top five favourite MOB recipes. Thank you, Chloe!
    Gabby O.
    6 months ago
    this was okay, it was a good idea but lacks a bit of umami, maybe try adding veg broth, onions, or mushrooms or another addition like that to give it more depth. overall pretty good though