Mob Selects: Raise Snacks

These little packs of chocolate-coated seeds and nuts will add some excitement to your snack rota. Plus, they're completely vegan.
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When I was 18, I once ate an entire 800g bag of dry roasted peanuts in one sitting. I wouldn’t recommend doing that. It made me extremely thirsty. But it is irrefutable proof that I’ve always been a grazer.

Put a bowl of something in front of me (be it grapes or Jacob’s Crackers) and I will slowly but surely work my way through that entire bowl until it’s empty. My propensity to snack, combined with my lack of self-control when it comes to treats, has meant that I’ve usually got to physically separate myself from any sort of temptation whenever I work at a desk or else I’ll inevitably end up spoiling my dinner each and every day.

Why am I telling you all this? Because it’s important contextual information as to why I’m a big fan of RAISE Snacks. These tidy little packs of seeds and nuts are just the right size for snacking on when you need a post-lunch pick-me-up, leaving your bouche amused and your stomach satisfied without leaving you with that moreish craving for another packet right away. "A packet of RAISE has a variety of nuts and seeds, in the perfect quantity, to provide you with all of their nutritious benefits, whilst still remaining healthy and filling," says RAISE's founder Chester Robinson. They’re just the right size for keeping the hunger pangs of dinner at bay. And they’re fully vegan, too.

Made from a mixture of nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans), seeds (pumpkin, sunflower), and oat flakes, each pouch delivers an ample hit of protein and a decent scattering of your daily minerals. Chester based RAISE on a recipe of his mother's with the intent of creating a portable snack that was both (a) good for you, and (b) good to eat. "We want everyone to feel elevated and not just through food," says Chester, "so as a nod to my Nigerian mum our wider brand mission is to promote diversity and inclusion."

When it comes to their eating, my favourite flavour of RAISE is the dark chocolate and sea salt – a combination of two ingredients I like very much that simply don’t meet up for a coffee and catch up often enough. That being said, the salted caramel chocolate flavour is also bang on the money if you’ve got a slightly sweeter tooth. They’re palm oil-free and the perfect “break in case of emergency blood sugar crash” snack to always have on standby. One thing that's worth noting, though, is that RAISE stock is always limited. So you'll have to get them before they’re gone. To stay on top of when they'll l be releasing new batches, give them a follow on Instagram.

I stan RAISE Snacks. And I’m sure you’ll stan them too if you give them a chance.