Make A Sausage & Egg McMuffin At Home

How to recreate your favourite hangover breakfast at home.
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This homemade sausage and egg mcmuffin will cure all your hangovers.

McDonald's stores spent much of this year shut, and I missed them. Their chicken burgers are good, their beef burgers are better, but the area where the menu really excels is the breakfast offering. I’m thinking particularly of the Sausage & Egg McMuffin, a glorious hit of salty, fatty goodness which must surely rank among the world’s greatest hangover foods.

My lockdown craving became so intense I had to give it a go. If you have also been missing a McMuffin, I have good news. What follows is the method to help you recreate that iconic breakfast at home, born out of much tweaking and experimenting.

Disclaimer: I’ve seen various versions of this on the internet made with cheddar cheese and sprinkled with chives. That’s fine, but what we’re going for here is the authentic version. Only American cheese will do, and there’s no place for chives.

Sausage & Egg McMuffin Eggs Prep 1
These egg rings are a game changer and help with the final McDonald's asthetic.