We know that not everyone got Glastonbury tickets (we know this from painfully personal experience) but that doesn’t mean a proper camping trip shouldn’t be on the cards for you this summer. When the weather’s great, there’s nothing like it. Eating food in the great outdoors, even if all you’re scranning is a bag of salty tortilla crisps, can be a nice way to go back to nature and get back in touch with the way your prehistoric ancestors used to live. No, they probably weren’t eating tortilla crisps way back when… but still, the point stands. Camping is about adopting a more simple, stripped back mindset and that relates back to the sort of food and drink you enjoy while camping, too.
If you like the idea of eating under the stars with minimal equipment, then we hope you’ll find plenty of helpful advice in this article we’ve written on how to eat well when camping. In partnership with Stella Artois and their unfiltered lager, we’ve come up with these essential tips for planning a successful camping trip. From campsite selection and meal planning to beer-pairing suggestions, we’ve got you covered.