How TENZING Is Changing The Energy Drink Game For Good

The plant-based energy drink company has become carbon negative and wants to help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Are you tired of companies and corporations that don’t care about their impact on the planet? Are you tired of feeling like every decision you make is causing irreparable damage to the ozone layer? Are you just straight-up... tired?

If you answered “yes” to those questions – or, at the very least, nodded your head vigorously when reading them – then you probably need to get your hands on a TENZING energy drink. And not just for its “wake-you-the-hell-up” assistance, either. As of January 2021, TENZING will officially become a carbon negative company and has created a mission statement to help you (yes, you) become carbon neutral.

How is an energy drink doing that, you ask? Well, for starters, TENZING isn’t just your bog-standard can of caffeine. No siree. TENZING – which is named after the Nepalese mountain climber who helped Sir Edmund Hillary ascend Mount Everest – is a natural, plant-based drink that wants to wean you off the phosphorescent likes of Monster Energy and Red Bull for good.

Not only is every can of TENZING packed with a refreshing and energising brew, completely void of chemicals, but the actual cans themselves are BPA-free, 100% recyclable, and made locally right here in the UK. You won’t see TENZING advertising on any carbon-emitting F1 cars anytime soon and even the green tea that TENZING uses to give you, the MOB, a much-needed caffeine boost is sourced from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms that work to support a healthier planet and an improved quality of life for farming communities.

In terms of the nitty-gritty and the “how are they actually helping the planet then?”, the TENZING team have taken huge steps in reducing their carbon emissions. They’ve relocated all of their production to the UK, partnered with emissions-free delivery service PedalMe across London and are using as many British ingredients as possible. They are continuously looking for more ways to reduce their footprint, but for now, what they can’t reduce, they offset in a truly unique way. They have rolled out a local offsetting model, with help from Ecologi, where they support offsetting projects local to where they source their ingredients – you can find out more about the various carbon reduction projects they support here.

So how can they help the MOB save the planet? Well, the average carbon footprint in the UK per year is roughly 8.4 tonnes and, for everyone that subscribes to TENZING, the company will be matching that and offsetting an equal 8.4 tonnes, effectively erasing that subscriber’s carbon footprint for the year. You’ll also be able to try TENZING’s very own Carbon Footprint Calculator which will identify a breakdown of your personal carbon footprint – helping you determine your largest lifestyle contributors to climate change – along with various tips and hacks to minimise your footprint.

It’s hard to find fault with getting a crate of delicious carbon-negative TENZING delivered straight to your doorstep every month while also helping to make the world a greener place in a totally literal way. No, really. TENZING has also pledged to plant 12 trees (one each month) for every yearly subscriber and plant them in what they’ve dubbed the TENZING Forest.

You’ll be able to hold TENZING to account and track how many trees the company has planted virtually through their site. But you want to know the best part of all? For every subscriber converted via MOB channels, TENZING has promised to plant a tree in a very special MOB section of their forest. So, c’mon, MOB: get cracking those cans and we can make it the biggest section of the forest in next to no time.