10 Weird TikTok Food Hacks

From glue sticks filled with butter to mini pancake cereal, these are the weirdest food hacks to come out of TikTok. Try them at your own risk, MOB.
Tik Tok Socials

I think we’d all be lying if we said we hadn’t spent the better part of lockdown feasting on the Internet and all the glorious mind-numbing escapes it has to offer. In particular, the rise of resourceful and random food hacks has well and truly taken over TikTok and, dare I say, changed lives with their creativity and ingenuity. Some for the better... some for the worse.

I don’t know how well some of these fit the Collins English Dictionary definition of a ‘hack’ (“A hack is a quick and clever solution to a problem.” just in case anyone was wondering) but regardless, today I review 10 of the weirdest of the bunch.

1. Butter Glue Stick


Boasting an air of simplicity and resourcefulness this hack makes me wonder why this hasn’t existed since the dawn of time. It’s true to say that I’m a fan, however, I think we can all wholeheartedly agree that this is an invention that you wouldn’t want to get mixed up with your Pritt Stick while half-asleep and making hangover toast on a Sunday morning.

Rating: 7/10

2. The Wrap Quartet


A game-changer. That’s it. Need I say more? Versatile, Sleek and just a 10/10 all-rounder. If you haven’t tried this TikTok wrap hack I can only assume it’s because people have stockpiled all the tortilla wraps to try this hack themselves. But fret not, this hack is so multi-faceted that it can be done with pretty much anything, so without further ado behold... the sushi quartet.

Rating: 108/10

3. A Cracking Egg Yolk Hack


Now, this hack truly puts the ‘egg’ in ‘eggcellent’. Although it makes my stomach feel a bit scrambled, practically it’s an eggs-quisite shout. And an egg hack always comes with an egg-ceptional amount of puns so for that reason I love this cracking hack.

Rating: 6/10

4. Watermelon + Pringles Can


I know, I never thought I’d hear those two things together either. While technically they’re not ‘combined’ in this hack, the entire premise just seems pretty pointless. It really doesn’t take long enough to cut up a watermelon for there to need to be a hack for it, especially not one that includes remnants of salt & vinegar or sour cream & onion *gags at the thought of oniony watermelon*.

Rating: 2/10

5. Mini Pancake Cereal


This hack took TikTok by storm and gave the classic pancake a nice little revamp. By literally making them little. While this looks like it’d be the best thing since sliced bread, I think it’d have to be a fun one-try wonder for me. I barely have the patience to wait for a piece of toast let alone wait for dozens of thumb-sized pancakes to cook, only to inhale it in a hot minute as soon as it’s done.

Rating: 6/10

6. Soaking Strawberries


This fruit-based cleaning hack changed my entire worldview and sent me into a small existential crisis I can’t lie. I questioned my entire career path after popping some strawberries into a bowl of salty water to extract the creepy crawlies hiding inside. My biology GCSE flashed before my eyes and I wondered if science was the route for me. Then absolutely nothing happened and I happily ate my bug-free strawberries and carried on writing this article. While I didn’t uncover a new bug species in my strawberry punnet, lots of people seem to have had more luck so the jury’s out on this one, folks.

Rating: 5/10

7. Grilled Cheese Flip


Tried it. Lost half the toastie filling. Almost burnt my hand. Hated it. Word to the wise, just use a bloody spatula.

Rating: -3/10

8. Wine Glass Cake


Practicality-wise, this is a 10/10 hack for me. Finished your Pinot Grig? Lovely, time to dig into the red velvet cake slab with your glass and a spoon. Less washing up, less faff over cutting equal slices, it seems like the perfect shout right? Wrong. I just feel like, destroying the stunning cake that you spent 6 hours perfecting with identical icing rosettes, by smushing it into a £4 Sainsbury’s wine glass, is pretty much the food equivalent of nails scraping on a chalkboard. Each to their own at the end of the day, but it’s safe to say I won’t be indulging in an aesthetic TikTok picnic with wine glass cake anytime soon...

Rating: 5/10

9. One Pass Cherry Tomato Chop


Innovation at its finest. This is a staple hack to fit into your cooking sessions, MOB. With the extra time you save from cutting all your cherry tomatoes in one go, you could watch a movie, go on a hike or write a book about the trials and tribulations of cutting cherry tomatoes individually and how this hack could lead to world peace. A true time-saver, this one.

Rating: 10/10

10. Nacho Table

I see where they were going. I understand the concept. The execution is pretty much what one would imagine when hearing ‘Nacho Table’. But I’m so sorry I just can’t help but feel royally grossed out at the lack of plates or literally any kitchen utensil at all. It feels like an act of open defiance against all types of dining etiquette and my heart goes out to the poor sucker who’s stuck with cleaning up because everyone else is in a cheesy table nacho coma on the sofa.

Rating: 4.5/10

And there you have it. A compilation of 10 of the oddest food hacks I could find lurking in the TikTok-verse. There are a couple of staples in there I can’t lie. If you fancy giving any of these absurd ‘hacks’ *cough* nacho table *cough* a try, don’t say I didn’t warn you and let us know how you get on!