Batch Recipe: Roast Chicken & Peppers
This is the easiest, juiciest recipe for roast chicken and peppers. All done in one tray, it’s possibly the laziest but yummiest batch meal to make. We’ve turned it into three gorgeous and different meals you can enjoy throughout the week.
Whole Chicken
Smoked Paprika
Dried Oregano
Red Bell Pepper
Red Onion
Cherry Tomatoes
White Wine Vinegar
Garlic Clove
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Notes (2)
Claire C.
2 months ago
So simple yet so tasty! I bought an extra large chicken, which took an hour to cook, and it fed l two of us generously for 3 days & nothing was wasted. Each meal felt different as well, even if it was always chicken. I’ll definitely be doing this again.
Jessica G.
2 months ago
In the video you add olive but it is not included in the written recipe.