Pan-Roasted Chicken Thighs with Herby Rice & Pickled Salad

35 mins cook
Mad about crispy chicken skin? Follow this recipe for the crispiest ever chicken thighs. We've served them with a pickled salad and a mound of herby rice.
Pan Roasted Chicken Thighs with Herby Rice Pickled Salad

Still got fresh mint left over?

Skin-On Chicken Thigh
Basmati Rice
Red Onion
Red Chilli
White Wine Vinegar
Fresh Parsley
Fresh Dill
Fresh Mint

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    Still got fresh mint left over?

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    Toyole A.
    17 hours ago
    This is one of my fav recipes from the Mob. I’ve made this a few times and it’s always a hit!
    Alexandra R.
    10 days ago
    Loved it. Easy to make right the first time, tasty and felt healthy without being boring!
    Beverley C.
    a month ago
    Easy, fresh and delicious
    Leoni M.
    a month ago
    Quick, easy and awesome
    Jawahar H.
    a month ago
    Pretty damn delicious although because crispy chicken thighs don't keep I had to eat it all!
    Ella T.
    3 months ago
    So easy and fresh! Needed a simple dinner to make when jet lagged and this was perfect. I used giant couscous instead of rice, next time think might add butterbeans
    Tracey M.
    3 months ago
    Sarah A.
    5 months ago
    Loved this one!
    Hannah C.
    5 months ago
    Such an amazing dish! I always get top marks from my partner when I cook him this. The rice is absolutely glorious and I could honestly devour it as a side with anything! have it once a week now
    Tim S.
    6 months ago
    Quick, simple and very tasty, note to me though. Don't use ancient rice you found in the back of the cupboard 🤣 will be making it again.
    Elysia H.
    6 months ago
    My boyfriend saw you make this and thought to himself “I could make that”. I was so thankful as I’m the one that does all the cooking. Don’t get me wrong I love cooking but it’s always nice to be cooked for. He smashed it. So this is a note to say thank you for making him confident enough to make it. It was also super tasty. A dish that will stay in our permanent rotation for sure.

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