Dark Soy Chicken & Mushroom Pot Rice

50 mins cook
A rich and umami dish that's got layers and layers of flavour. Rice doesn't get better than this.
Dark Soy Chicken Mushroom Pot Rice
Shiitake Mushroom
Boneless Skinless Chicken Thigh
Fresh Ginger
Sesame Oil
Oyster Sauce
Dark Soy Sauce
Shaoxing Wine
Rice Wine Vinegar
Ground White Pepper
Chicken Stock Cube
Jasmine Rice
Spring Onion
Garlic Clove
Fresh Ginger
Neutral Oil
Toasted Sesame Seed
Pak Choi

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    Niall G.
    4 days ago
    What happened to the frying the chicken skin step? I used to make this all the time last year but that step has now disappeared but it’s still in the video?
    4 days ago
    Hi Niall! We've amended this recipe to make it easier to follow, and as a result we've removed this step. If you want to fry the chicken skin, just cut one away from a thigh with scissors and slowly fry it in a large deep lidded frying pan with 1 tbsp water over the lowest heat, until crispy like bacon. Then use the same pan – with the skin still in it – to make the rice (step 4). Any more questions, let us know!
    Carrie C.
    3 months ago
    I'm confused about the soaking of mushrooms at the start (step 1) when the video looks like they just get marinated because they're fresh? It also says to buy skinless chicken thighs and then the video talks about frying chicken skin....? Also 500g of rice for 4 chicken thighs?
    Harry M.
    4 months ago
    Didn’t work, chicken had not cooked through. Left it longer to cook and the rice went to mush and burnt to the pan. Was hard to tell if the chicken was cooked. In the end we had to get Deliveroo.
    3 months ago
    Hi Harry, we're sorry this one didn't work for you. We've reviewed it and made some changes to the method!
    Kieran D.
    4 months ago
    I cooked this on the lowest setting (1) of my 6 hob stove and the chicken wasn't finished, so I whacked it on to (2) for another 15 and then let it steam again and it was fine. Overall, loved the recipe, lots of yield and tasted amazing.
    Van N.
    4 months ago
    Marinade went crazy! Cooked this for my partner and she told me this was the best meal I've ever made. Told me I had to make the marinade just to keep in the fridge and put on all types of stuff. Will be making again!
    Deb C.
    5 months ago
    Love this one-made it a couple of times and it’s always great. Last time I swapped up the water for some chicken stock only cos I had some made in the fridge and kept the chicken skin after it was rendered and chopped it and sprinkled over at the end. It’s a keeper

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