Ayam Geprek
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Nadir Nahdi
Storyteller, film-maker and presenter Nadir Nahdi has made a name for himself online through his captivating content and writing that articulates the unique experiences of young people from diverse cultures. Nadir uses food, fashion and travel, and most recently his videos exploring the intersection of food, politics and history take the audience through recipes that are intertwined with culturally significant moments, all wrapped up into a tantalisingly fascinating and innovative format.
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Nadir Nahdi
Storyteller, film-maker and presenter Nadir Nahdi has made a name for himself online through his captivating content and writing that articulates the unique experiences of young people from diverse cultures. Nadir uses food, fashion and travel, and most recently his videos exploring the intersection of food, politics and history take the audience through recipes that are intertwined with culturally significant moments, all wrapped up into a tantalisingly fascinating and innovative format.